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Custom Model

ChatKit supports custom models besides OpenAI models, as long as your custom model can be accessed from a URL that is compatible with OpenAI's chat completion API.

You can see a new form after clicking the "+ Custom model" button:

  • Name: Used to easily identify the model in the model list.
  • Model: Use as the model property in the request body.
  • URL: The API endpoint, we send POST request to this URL.
    • Proxy: send requests from our server instead of the browser, useful when the API doesn't support CORS.
  • Context limit: Maxium context token limit. For example, Llama 2 has a context window of 4096 tokens. Your API provider usually shows this in the their documentation.
  • API key: The API key/token to authenticate your request.
  • Headers: Extra HTTP headers we send to the URL.
  • Stream: Whether your custom model API can stream AI responses.


When a custom model is selected, it's also used to generate sugguested questions and chat titles.